The library was founded simultaneously with the institute in 2002. The library’s collection includes various types of domestic and foreign publications (scientific, educational, fiction), publications of RMAT and AIT, CD-ROMs, as well as various periodicals.

In its activities, the library of the AIT branch of the RMAT is guided by the laws of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation: “On Education” and “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture”, Federal Laws “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”, “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, “On Librarianship” and acts of the Institute’s governing bodies.

The Fund, which includes literature in various fields, taking into account the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, is equipped with literature in the following disciplines:

humanitarian and socio-economic (history, psychology, sociology, economics, pedagogy, political science, foreign language)

natural sciences (mathematics, ecology, computer science, computer software)

general professional (management, marketing, economic theory, accounting, law)

special (tourism)

Additional literature is presented:

collections of legislative acts, regulatory documents and codes of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation

periodical mass central and local socio-political publications

branch scientific periodicals on the profile of implemented educational programs

reference and bibliographic publications

scientific literature

In all disciplines of the curriculum, the library has curricula that contain lists of recommended educational and methodological literature, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation.

The library’s fund is constantly replenished with educational literature bearing the stamps of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism; educational and methodological associations and other federal executive authorities of the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, as well as electronic textbooks and programs.

An electronic library is available to students.

The library carries out cultural, educational and exhibition work: organizes thematic book and illustrative exhibitions dedicated to various events in the country and the life of the Institute.


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